Good News

Cheryl Chiu-Lee is Together’s new Senior Client Services Manager


Together’s Department of Formal Introductions is happy to formally introduce Cheryl Chiu-Lee, pictured here looking like she knows something you don’t.

Cheryl is our new Senior Client Services Manager, which makes it very tempting to describe her job as “making sure that our clients are always very happy to meet us.”

However, as Andy Giles, Together’s Client Partnerships Director, noted in an unusually grumpy Google Docs comment attached to an earlier version of the preceding paragraph, it’s “obviously a lot more complicated than that.”

“We’re all thrilled to have Cheryl on board,” added Andy, helpfully. “Her talent and skills are already helping us ensure that working with Together is a great experience for our clients.”

Cheryl joining Together marks the highlight — our words, not hers — of her 10 years in the creative agency business. After studying in Melbourne, she moved back to her hometown of Singapore to start her career, later settling and resettling in Hong Kong and London, respectively.

Along the way she worked at a string of illustrious firms, both with and without ampersands in their names — Ogilvy & Mather, Landor & Fitch, Dog Digital, DesignStudio, to name a few.

“I started working in advertising kind of by accident,” says Cheryl, “and found that I really liked the creative atmosphere. I’m not a designer, but I like being surrounded by creative people making good stuff.”

Speaking of making good stuff, Cheryl’s tenure in the digital arena was briefly interrupted by a year of culinary adventures at the Cordon Bleu, which, according to the author of this press release, made it very tempting to sprinkle it with embarrassingly heavy-handed cooking metaphors. “I really love cooking,” explains Cheryl. “And I wanted to learn how to do it properly.”

In a not-entirely unforeseen plot twist, Cheryl relocated to London in October 2020, which she describes as “interesting timing,” and where she in due course found Together.

“There’s a lot of energy and drive here,” says Cheryl, with the rest of us nodding enthusiastically in agreement. “Working with brave clients every day who allow us the freedom to do creative work for their business is very inspiring.”

Also enthusiastic about this turn of events is Cameron Day, Together’s CEO. “Cheryl is one of the few people I’ve met who claims to actually like English weather, which tells me she’s exactly the kind of glass-half-full kind of person we need around here,” he says, sounding considerably more cheerful than Andy Giles did at the beginning of this press release.