
Information in formation.

An early-stage data-crunching startup with big plans and serious investors, Patch asked us to help them pull off an ambitious pivot from open-source to enterprise, while keeping a foot in both camps.

  • Branding
  • Website Design
  • Development
  • Copywriting
  • Illustration
  • Animation
Masthead Column

Very big data.

For companies that sit on a mountain of data and want to get more out of it, Patch is a godsend. Serving as an acceleration layer for data warehouses, Patch saves customers time and money, and ultimately helps them build better products. After pivoting from an open source project to an early-stage startup with backing from the likes of Accel and Andreessen Horowitz, Patch was ready for a big leap.
03 Billboard

Double or nothing.

To execute its move to the C-Suite, Patch asked us to conjure up a master brand that would work a double shift, appealing equally to an audience of higher-ups and the developer community, while also bringing out the value and differentiation of their offering through clear positioning.
05 Infrastructure
06 Terminal

Move it, move it.

For a brand promising to unlock hidden reservoirs of value lurking somewhere deep in the data, “moving information” seemed fitting as a core concept. We expressed this idea in all the elements of the brand, from the modular patchwork grid system to design elements like typography, colour scheme, and illustrations.

  • 07 Logo

    Logo rhythm. Patch’s new logo is an understated but confident wordmark, balancing straight terminals with rounded forms.

  • 08 Typeface

    Firm Favorit. Favorit, from Dinamo Typefaces, adds an edge to Patch’s headlines, while Aktual from Formula Type gives the main text clarity and precision. Finally, Favorit Mono is a not-so-subtle nod to the world of coding.

  • Dawn to dusk. Depending on audience and content, Patch’s colour palette elegantly flexes between light and dark mode.

  • 10 Code

    Colour coded. The classic coding interfaces used by developers were also an inspiration for Patch’s colours.

  • 11 Iconography

    Gridlock. A suite of utility icons, featuring subtle breaks and embedded in a straightforward grid system, forms a visual language in harmony with the brand’s patchwork grid system.

It’s alive.

Bringing the various brand elements to life, Patch’s new website tells the story of a company and product with strong roots in the dev community, but also with a clear understanding of the needs of its enterprise clients.
17 BuiltWith
18 Cloud
20 Homepage
21 UI
22 Terminal

Business in the front, party in the dev stack. The site has a clean aesthetic that clearly means business, but is also designed to resonate with developers. Strategic use of motion reflects the core idea of information set free, with animated illustrations depicting flowing data diagrams, and code samples coming to life on hover.

23 Switcher

Built for speed. Our developers built the website using our standard tech stack, including headless WordPress and Next.js, and incorporated Rive animations for optimal page speed. Ever considerate of the challenges faced by the marketers managing the site’s content, we took special care to provide them with an easily managed and user-friendly backend CMS, thoughtfully designed to set them up for success.

With thanks to
Whelan Boyd, Emily Vernon and Laci Texter.